You can find whisky lovers and fanatics all over the internet that take pride in documenting their whisky journeys, reviewing drams, revelling in limited edition bottles, and informing their audience about all things whisky. Instagram is a great platform for whisky influencers to post stylistic shots of their latest dram and share their thoughts on the water of life.
Below is a list of the best whisky Instagrams to brighten up your feed.

From Barrel to Bottle (@frombarreltobottle)
From Barrel to Bottle is run by four friends who love documenting their love of whisky. The understated but artsy shots of their latest ventures are accompanied by their opinions on the drams. They have tried everything from The Macallan to Aberfeldy.

TopWhiskies (@topwhiskies)
TopWhiskies is run by Ed & Evan, two friends who discovered their love for whisky whilst in university. They now run a successful blog, Instagram page, and YouTube channel. They post crisp and clean photos of their favourite bottles and encourage their audience to try whiskies along with them.

The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (@smws_uk)
The Scotch Malt Whisky Society is a membership society that bottles and sells single malt and single cask whisky. They are also whisky experts, providing information to all whisky lovers. Membership will buy you exclusive access to their events and members-only whisky. If you don’t fancy paying for a membership, their colourful Instagram will fill your feed with pictures of wonderful bottles and drams.

Single Malt Daily (@singlemaltdaily)
Single Malt Daily is a very popular Instagram page that is filled with pictures of the host’s latest drams accompanied by his opinions on said drams. As the name suggests, they post daily, and so your feed will never be bare.

Whisky With A View (@whiskywithaview)
Whisky With A View is run by a man called Nate who enjoys travelling around America in his van and taking pictures of his favourite bottles of whisky. The gorgeous backdrops of North America serve as a lovely canvas for Nate’s favourite whiskies. Your feed will never be dull if you follow this travelling whisky fanatic.

No Nonsense Whisky (@nononsensewhisky)
No Nonsense Whisky is run by Vin, a whisky enthusiast who also has a YouTube channel by the same name. Vin uses his Instagram to document his whisky journey as he tastes different drams from all over the globe, as well as linking to his YouTube channel where you can watch his reviews in full.

Pat Hock (@pat.hock)
Pat Hock’s Instagram goes alongside his YouTube channel, Pat Hock Whisky, and documents Pat’s whisky journey as he tries different drams. Pat’s shots are arty and understated and will be a welcome addition to your Instagram feed if you are looking for a whisky fix.

Whisky Notes (@whiskynotes)
Whisky Notes is run by Ruben, who runs a blog also by the name of Whisky Notes. The snaps are clean and will be a very sophisticated addition to your Instagram feed. This Instagram page is a visual documentary of Ruben’s whisky journey.

OCDWhisky (@sorrenkrebs)
OCDWhisky is run by whisky fanatic Sorren Krebs, who also runs a whisky blog of the same name. Sorren is a whisky collector and blogger who likes to post pictures of his latest whisky ventures as well as lots of pictures of The English, as he acts as a brand ambassador for English Whisky Company. Brighten up your feed with OCDWhisky’s eye-popping pictures.

Whiskyfacile (@whiskyfacile)
Whiskyfacile is run by four Italian whisky-loving friends who also blog on This Instagram feed documents the drams that these four friends try as well as their trips to many picturesque Scottish distilleries.

Scotty’s Drams (@scottysdrams)
Scotty’s Drams is the Instagram page of whisky enthusiast, Scotty, and documents his favourite drams. You can also follow Scotty’s whisky journey on his blog, also called Scotty’s Drams. The Instagram page is clean and understated, with minimalist photos of each dram.

Noortje (@whiskylifestyle)
Noortje is an avid whisky blogger, traveller, and photographer who loves to document her adventures as well as all of the whisky drams that she tries. Noortje’s photos are sleek and professional and will make your Instagram feed look ever more sophisticated. Noortje also runs a blog by the name of Whisky Lifestyle that you can follow.

Malt Cask (@themaltcask)
Malt Cask is the Instagram counterpart of The Malt Cask Blog, a whisky review blog in which tasting notes from many different drams are documented. The Instagram page is crisp and clean and will look great on your Instagram feed.

These whisky Instagram pages are sure to brighten up your feed and give you your daily whisky fix as well as some inspiration for your next tipple!