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The Investors Guide To The Macallan Archival Series

Whisky bottles can be a fantastic alternative investment opportunity but it can be difficult to know where to put your money; too often the market buzz surrounding a bottle can obscure the objective data and lead you into a less than fruitful investment. At Mark Littler Ltd, we have created a series of Bottle Investment Reports to help you choose the best investment for you. They are a series of focused reports that analyse individual bottles and comments on their history, trends, and projections. Our latest Bottle Investment Report is the Macallan Archival Series.

Who Should Buy The Report

Our Bottle Investment Reports are aimed at anyone thinking about whisky as an alternative investment, or those investors looking to expand their portfolio, and who wish to do so by making informed decisions. Our aim is to help you to stop speculating and start investing, using the data as a foundation for a long term successful investment.  

Each report comes with a 100% money-back guarantee so you can buy with confidence.

What’s Inside The Report

Invest Whisky Cask (8)

A Detailed History of the Archival Series

In order to understand the investment projections of the Macallan Archival Series, you must first understand its history to give you the context of the Folio bottles on the market and why they may perform in certain ways. The report details the origins of the Macallan Archival series as well as Folio 1’s first appearance on the secondary market in 2015.

Invest Whisky Cask (18)

Finding The Best Bottle On The Market

If you are looking to invest in the Macallan Archival Series, it is important that you understand what makes a good bottle to invest in, i.e. how it looks and its fill level. Our Bottle Investment Report will explain what to look for when shopping for a Folio bottle and how to avoid investing in a bottle of whisky that will depreciate in value quickly. 
Invest Whisky Cask (14)

Comprehensive Data Analysis and Commentary

One of the main aims of the Archival Series Investment Report is to analyse the pre-existing data and assess at what point in their trajectory the Folio bottles are at currently. The analysis of the data in the report begins in 2015 with the first appearance of the Folio 1 on the secondary market and documents the timeline through to June 2021.

Invest Whisky Cask (8)

A Detailed History of the Archival Series

In order to understand the investment projections of the Macallan Archival Series, you must first understand its history to give you the context of the Folio bottles on the market and why they may perform in certain ways. The report details the origins of the Macallan Archival series as well as Folio 1’s first appearance on the secondary market in 2015.

Invest Whisky Cask (18)

Finding The Best Bottle On The Market

If you are looking to invest in the Macallan Archival Series, it is important that you understand what makes a good bottle to invest in, i.e. how it looks and its fill level. Our Bottle Investment Report will explain what to look for when shopping for a Folio bottle and how to avoid investing in a bottle of whisky that will depreciate in value quickly. 
Invest Whisky Cask (14)

Comprehensive Data Analysis and Commentary

One of the main aims of the Archival Series Investment Report is to analyse the pre-existing data and assess at what point in their trajectory the Folio bottles are at currently. The analysis of the data in the report begins in 2015 with the first appearance of the Folio 1 on the secondary market and documents the timeline through to June 2021.

Invest Whisky Cask (23)

What Does The Future Hold For The Archival Series?

Once you know where the Archival Series has been on the market, you need to know where it’s going. Whilst no one can know for sure, combining an understanding of the current whisky investment market with a knowledge of how the series has performed in the past can enable some predictions to be made. Our Bottle Investment Report will offer some modelling of the future of the Archival Series.

Invest Whisky Cask (19)

Price Relativity: How Does The Archival Series Compare?

With the market buzz surrounding the Archival Series, we think it is important to take a look at how the series compares to other NAS bottlings and how the trajectory of different bottles has progressed. By doing so, we can offer commentary as to whether the Archival Series is experiencing growth organically or as a result of a localised market bubble. 
Invest Whisky Cask (9)

Macallan Distillery History

It’s difficult to understand how Macallan can be so successful with a NAS bottling without understanding the history of the distillery. Macallan has undergone extensive rebranding and repositioning since its foundation in 1824 that has allowed it the success it is currently experiencing. Our Bottle Investment Report will provide a history of the distillery to supply a context to inform your investment choices.

Invest Whisky Cask (23)

What Does The Future Hold For The Archival Series?

Once you know where the Archival Series has been on the market, you need to know where it’s going. Whilst no one can know for sure, combining an understanding of the current whisky investment market with a knowledge of how the series has performed in the past can enable some predictions to be made. Our Bottle Investment Report will offer some modelling of the future of the Archival Series.

Invest Whisky Cask (19)

Price Relativity: How Does The Archival Series Compare?

With the market buzz surrounding the Archival Series, we think it is important to take a look at how the series compares to other NAS bottlings and how the trajectory of different bottles has progressed. By doing so, we can offer commentary as to whether the Archival Series is experiencing growth organically or as a result of a localised market bubble. 
Invest Whisky Cask (9)

Macallan Distillery History

It’s difficult to understand how Macallan can be so successful with a NAS bottling without understanding the history of the distillery. Macallan has undergone extensive rebranding and repositioning since its foundation in 1824 that has allowed it the success it is currently experiencing. Our Bottle Investment Report will provide a history of the distillery to supply a context to inform your investment choices.


About Mark Littler LTD

Mark Littler LTD is a specialist whisky broker and consultant.  Set up in 2016 they have sold millions of pounds worth of rare and old bottles and casks.

In 2020 they made the headlines following the sale of a vertical of Macallan 18 year old for Matthew Robson.  

With over 400 five star reviews across Google, Yell and Facebook you can be sure you are in safe hands.

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Download Your Investment Report To The Macallan Archival Series 

If you would like to begin your investment journey with the Macallan Archival Series and you’re not sure what to look for, or if you already own a Folio bottling and you want to know where it is heading in the market, you can purchase your Bottle Investment Report for the Macallan Archival Series through our online shop or by clicking the link below.

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