How Much Should You Pay For a Cask of Springbank Whisky
Mark Littler LTD specialises in the valuation, sale and brokerage of Springbank casks of whisky.
We are the go to independent source for the valuation of casks of Springbank.
What should you pay for a cask of Springbank?
Are you being asked to pay a fair price?
Are you looking to buy a cask of Springbankand have the asking price independently verified? If so, we can help.
At Mark Littler LTD we pride ourselves as being the most open and informative source of information about the value of casks of whisky. We have brokered millions of pouds of casks so we know how the whisky brokerage market works and what casks are worth.
Our mission as a business is to help people get the best deal – this can be anything from classic cars, vintage watches, antiques and especially casks of whisky. Our 300+ five star reviews (which you can read more of here) are testimony to the level of service which we provide to our customers.

Are you looking for a quick valuation on a Springbank cask you are looking to buy? Enter your details below and we will provide you with a free open market valuation of your cask.
The Asymmetry of the Whisky Cask Market
An asymmetrical market is one where the seller has more information than the buyer. However, the internet has been a very democratising tool and now almost every selling market is balanced. For example:
If you want to research the value of a car you can use Auto Trader.
If you want to research the value of a fund you can use Morningstar.
If you want to research the value of a house you can use Zoopla.
You can now verify the value of almost anything online with a quick search. The sheer volume of data available means that in almost every selling situation the buyer can almost guarantee they are going to pay a fair price.
Except casks of Springbank.
The Lack of Market Data on the Value of Casks of Whisky
There are no publicly available indexes or price guides about the value of Springbank casks. If you are inside the industry you will have access to this privileged information and you are able to build up your own database of the value of casks which are sold on a regular basis.
The reason for this lack of information is quite simple: Springbank casks are not for public consumption or ownership and therefore a publicly available index would not serve any purpose to the industry (and as such the information is kept strictly private).
Another reason for the lack of a Mallan whisky cask index is that no two casks of whisky are alike. As such you cannot ever create a meaningful index of the value of whisky casks.
For instance, a cask of Springbank 1995 which has 210 bulk litres remaining at 52% ABV will be more commercial than an identical cask which is at 49.5% ABV. Trying to compare the value of both of these casks would be like comparing apples with pears as they are totally different (note – casks over 50% ABV are more attractive to the Asian market and so command a premium over casks under 50% ABV).

If you have a cask of Springbank you would like valued please use the form below or contact Mark Littler direct at: [email protected]
Independent Whisky Cask Valuations
When buying a cask of whisky you will totally dependent on trusting the person selling you that cask to be asking an honest price. As there are no market indexes (and you really shouldn’t be looking at the value of bottles of whisky to give you an idea of the value of a cask) your only option is to seek a professional second opinion.
At Mark Littler LTD we have built our reputation on providing helpful, trustworthy and friendly help to customers. We have over 300 five star reviews about our service and we want to help you.
Before you commit to purchasing a cask either from a dealer or from an auction, contact Mark Littler personally and receive an independent valuation.
Are you looking for a quick valuation on a Springbank cask you own or are looking to sell? Enter your details below and we will provide you with a free open market valuation of your cask.
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What is my cask of Springbank worth?
In order to provide you with an accurate valuation please provide as much of the below information as you can.
There is more information about each section below the form.
Mark Littler LTD specialises in the valuation, sale and brokerage of Springbank casks of whisky.
We are the go to independent source for the valuation of casks of Springbank.
What should you pay for a cask of Springbank?
Are you being asked to pay a fair price?
Are you looking to buy a cask of Springbank and have the asking price independently verified? If so, we can help.
At Mark Littler LTD we pride ourselves as being the most open and informative source of information about the value of casks of whisky. We have brokered millions of pouds of casks so we know how the whisky brokerage market works and what casks are worth.
Our mission as a business is to help people get the best deal – this can be anything from classic cars, vintage watches, antiques and especially casks of whisky. Our 300+ five star reviews (which you can read more of here) are testimony to the level of service which we provide to our customers.

Are you looking for a quick valuation on a Springbank cask you are looking to buy? Enter your details below and we will provide you with a free open market valuation of your cask.
The Asymmetry of the Whisky Cask Market
An asymmetrical market is one where the seller has more information than the buyer. However, the internet has been a very democratising tool and now almost every selling market is balanced. For example:
If you want to research the value of a car you can use Auto Trader.
If you want to research the value of a fund you can use Morningstar.
If you want to research the value of a house you can use Zoopla.
You can now verify the value of almost anything online with a quick search. The sheer volume of data available means that in almost every selling situation the buyer can almost guarantee they are going to pay a fair price.
Except casks of Springbank.
The Lack of Market Data on the Value of Casks of Whisky
There are no publicly available indexes or price guides about the value of Springbank casks. If you are inside the industry you will have access to this privileged information and you are able to build up your own database of the value of casks which are sold on a regular basis.
The reason for this lack of information is quite simple: Springbank casks are not for public consumption or ownership and therefore a publicly available index would not serve any purpose to the industry (and as such the information is kept strictly private).
Another reason for the lack of a Mallan whisky cask index is that no two casks of whisky are alike. As such you cannot ever create a meaningful index of the value of whisky casks.
For instance, a cask of Springbank 1995 which has 210 bulk litres remaining at 52% ABV will be more commercial than an identical cask which is at 49.5% ABV. Trying to compare the value of both of these casks would be like comparing apples with pears as they are totally different (note – casks over 50% ABV are more attractive to the Asian market and so command a premium over casks under 50% ABV).

If you have a cask of Springbank you would like valued please use the form below or contact Mark Littler direct at: [email protected]
Independent Whisky Cask Valuations
When buying a cask of whisky you will totally dependent on trusting the person selling you that cask to be asking an honest price. As there are no market indexes (and you really shouldn’t be looking at the value of bottles of whisky to give you an idea of the value of a cask) your only option is to seek a professional second opinion.
At Mark Littler LTD we have built our reputation on providing helpful, trustworthy and friendly help to customers. We have over 300 five star reviews about our service and we want to help you.
Before you commit to purchasing a cask either from a dealer or from an auction, contact Mark Littler personally and receive an independent valuation.
Are you looking for a quick valuation on a Springbank cask you own or are looking to sell? Enter your details below and we will provide you with a free open market valuation of your cask.
Learn More
What is my cask of Springbank worth?
In order to provide you with an accurate valuation please provide as much of the below information as you can.
There is more information about each section below the form.