Buy A Macallan Whisky Cask Mark Littler LTD
At Mark Littler Ltd we understand that investing in whisky casks is not a decision to be taken lightly. Buying a cask requires careful consideration and understanding of market trends as well as thorough research into the potential risks and rewards. Our education led approach is designed to help you make the right decision for your situation.
Every cask bought through us is sold via a delivery order, which means it will be in your name and you have full autonomy over the cask as it matures and when you come to sell.
With over 600 reviews across Google, Yell and Facebook covering our full range of services, including helping people to buy and sell casks, you can be assure you are working with a trusted broker with a thorough understanding of the industry.
New-fill and young Macallan casks are not available at the moment. Older Macallan casks start around £300,000. If you would like advice on purchasing casks please do get in touch.
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Buying Casks Of Macallan Whisky
Are you looking to buy a cask of Macallan whisky? We are specialist brokers with hundreds of five-star reviews and a proven track record of helping our clients make the right decision when they come to buy a cask.
Macallan casks start at around £300,000 for a mature cask, which comes with its own issues in terms of managing your investment. If you are interested in purchasing a Macallan cask then do get in touch, we also have our free cask buying guide (download above), which will introduce you to our aims when we look for cask investments for our clients.
By choosing to purchase a cask through Mark Littler you gain access to the whole cask market rather than just our own inventory. That means when you come to sell your cask you will not be selling the same product as everyone else, meaning your cask will command a premium.
A Delivery Order With Every Cask
Every cask that you buy through Mark Littler Ltd will be sold via a delivery order issued by the warehouse where your cask will be stored. This means you have full autonomy over your cask throughout the lifetime of your purchase and that you have full certainty that the cask is what it says on your contract. Read more about delivery orders here.
Within our agency contract there are no ties to Mark Littler Ltd nor any obligation to sell back to us in the future.
You will have you own private account at the bonded warehouse where your cask will be matured.
Why Invest In A Whisky Cask With Mark Littler?
Our experience stems from helping hundreds of people EXIT their cask investments. We know what has worked for cask owners in the past, and use that information to shape the advice and casks that we offer to current investors.
We have sold millions of pounds of casks for our customers, helping them see returns from a few thousand pounds, to over £300,000 from initial investments of as little as £1,500.
We also understand that the market has changed and we will always provide clear and comprehensive information so that you can make an informed decision. Our ethos focuses on three simple principles:

Our experience selling hundreds of casks for clients exiting their cask investments means we are uniquely placed to help you enter your investment.
We also want you to have realistic expectations of potential and the time needed to invest in casks; we provide the information necessary for you to make an informed decision.

Our agreement with an exclusive bonded warehouse means we can make your cask ownership a unique, hands on experience throughout the lifetime of your cask.
Owning a cask via a delivery order gives you the option to draw samples and experience how your whisky is maturing. You can also visit your casks should you wish to.

We are open about what is involved in cask ownership and we would rather you knew all the facts and didn’t buy a cask than buy one based on misleading information. Please download our cask buying PDF and explore our whisky cask guides page to learn more.
Our open and honest approach is why we have over 600 five star reviews online.
How We Have Evolved As A Broker
We don’t only sell casks to people. In fact the Mark Littler Ltd brokerage began primarily selling items for people, including bottles and casks. We are also an established antiques brokers and help customers sell everything from medieval gold rings and classic cars to art and watches.
So how did we get to a position where we were selling casks to the public? Learn more in this short video:
Education Not Sales
At Mark Littler Ltd we sell whisky casks, but we are not sales people. Our aim when we started out with casks was to educate people about casks as an investment and that is the ethos we still work with.
As well as our extensive online library of guides, articles and videos when you choose to buy a cask with us you will have the opportunity to book in for 30 minute Q & A session with us where we will answer all your questions about casks and whisky cask investment. This is not a sales call, just a chance for you to ask questions and get answers. Please note that due to exceedingly high demand we do have a waiting list for both purchasing casks and free consultation calls. If you need answers faster then please get in touch regarding paid consultations.
The History Of The Macallan Distillery
Macallan is one of Speyside’s original farm distilleries, producing a well-known high-quality whisky with a name that is synonymous with single malt.
The history of this distillery begins back in 1824, when Alexander Reid obtained a new licence which had been issued following the 1823 Excise Act. James Stuart took over the lease in 1868, rebuilding the plant and then in 1892, he sold the distillery to Roderick Kemp, a giant in the world of Victorian distilling. Kemp had once owned the Talisker distillery, and his ancestors continued to own that brand until it was taken over in 1996 by Highland Distillers.
The Macallan plant has expanded continually over the generations. Once a wooden shed featuring just two stills, in 1954 it was increased to have five stills (three spirit and two wash), and then in 1965, a brand new stillhouse was added, with another seven stills. The expansion process continued during the 1970s, and by 1975, there were 21 stills altogether.
Although Macallan has always been linked to single malt whiskies, it has long been one of the most important malts for blending, and it wasn’t actually until the 1980s that the distillery turned its focus towards single malts, which were relatively new to the market at that time. Willie Phillips, Hugh Mitcalfe, Frank Newlands and Alan Shiach, the distillery’s management team oversaw a marketing campaign to position Macallan as the “Cognac of Whisky” through an irreverent and bohemian approach to promotion and advertising.
Under the governance of Edrington, Macallan became the very first distillery to make bespoke casks by choosing specific trees from Spain and America, then choosing the nature and length of the drying period, the kind of coopering, the liquid which would be used for the seasoning process and the length which that process would take. This has led to a massive warehouse complex being created on the Macallan estate.
In more recent times, there has been an even greater emphasis placed on the luxury market, and bottlings of 60 and 50-year-old whiskies in Lalique decanters, the brand’s Masters of Photography series and their Fine & Rare vintage range have taken the forefront of Macallan’s offerings. In 2004, the Fine Oak range was launched with its sweeter and lighter profile to draw in a new generation of drinkers.
Most notably in recent years, Macallan has launched their 1824 range in 2013 and commissioned the building of a new distillery in a subterranean facility in 2018. Once it has been fully tested, production will be moved from its existing site to this state of the art structure.